Rhythm of Discovery

 “I have not found any technique that helped me access the unconscious more effectively and safely as what you teach… What I achieved in the two days with you has surpassed anything I have known so far.”

— Patrick Haggerson, Program Director, Ethno-Cultural Activities, The Betty Ford Institute

 “I discovered aspects of myself I didn’t know existed. I felt like I was opening up and coming alive in my body and openly expressing it.”

–  J.P., recovering addict

Our facilitators have worked with patients recovering from addiction, trauma and mental illness. The program has been published in Counselor Magazine and Addiction Professional Magazine.

The Rhythm of Discovery technique guides addicts to discover and confront the emotions that drive their addictions while they learn to master the connection between mind and body. Drumming for Your Life facilitators offer clients a way to safely express negative feelings and transform them into positive experiences.


We are connecting education, mental health, physics, eastern philosophy, neuroscience, and music through rhythm.

Program Goals:

  • Clients discover and connect to their newly uncovered emotions
  • Clients become aware of negative patterns in their lives and begin to replace them with positive alternatives
  • Clients discover and “own” their “individual rhythms,” leading to self-awareness

Program Specifics

  • Weekly workshops
  • Program debriefing and reflection session
  • Drums are provided for each workshop participant